No fear of the cold thanks to energy from sheet piles

energie opwekken met stalen damwanden

By equipping steel sheet piles with collectors, harbor quays, canal banks, construction pits, dikes and a host of other water barriers can be provided with heat and cold without the need for geothermal drilling. A country built on and around water, the Netherlands has proven to be the perfect place for this innovative way of heating and cooling. 

Steel sheet piles as a sustainable energy source

Steel Sheet Pile as an Infinite Energy Source

The Steel Sheet Pile as an Infinite Energy Source. The Energy Sheet Pile is a newly patented system in which the steel sheet pile construction, in addition to its role as a ground and water barrier, serves as a heat exchanger for extracting thermal energy from surface water (aquathermy) and the shallow subsurface.

For Energy Sheet Piles, kilowatts take precedence over kilograms

the sheet pile as a heat exchanger

The numerous innovation awards that Energy Sheet Piles have received in their short existence, has enabled an intensive monitoring program. This demonstrated that the steel sheet pile heat exchanger is an efficient source for powering a heat pump, offering a promising prospect in countries surrounded by water, like the Netherlands.

The energy of the future lies by the water’s edge

free energy from energy sheet piles

The energy of the future? It’s right in front of your door! Or, more accurately, by the many watersides that our low-lying country is blessed with. You can source around 40% of our energy needs from surface water. How? By equipping the sheet piles along the water with a pipe system.

Developments in Almere Nobelhorst

energy sheet piles

Developments in Almere Nobelhorst. At Hoge Vaart, the ‘De Werf’ project is ongoing. This project includes the development of a residential tower, a harbor basin, and a restaurant pavilion.
Sheet piles are being installed. These are regular walls that we’ve equipped with technology to collect energy from ground and surface water. The sustainable energy that this system generates for the buildings in Nobelhorst is available year-round, every day, for heating and cooling.